For pretty much the first time since Gaby was around 6 weeks old, we are having issues with sleep. SOME nights she is just fine, perfect really. Other nights, she will be awake on and off between 7-10.30, she'll be awake 2-5 times during the night. It is such a shock to the system after all of this time of GOOD sleeping!
Yesterday I decided to cut out one of her sleeps, and she slept fairly well last night, there was no waking before 4am. So maybe that is the key to it all. Maybe she's been sleeping TOO much during the day. I'm also going to make sure she is up by 4pm, and I won't put her down AFTER 3.30pm... So I guess we'll try to have a sleep around 9.30am & then a sleep around 1.30-2.00pm. See how that goes!
Gaby is 11 months old tomorrow! Time has gone somewhere, i'm not sure where!!!!! She seems to just be growing like a weed - I am really interested to see what she weighs now - and how long she is, because I think she's had a bit of a growth spurt lately.her say "Mum Mum"......
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
sleep & other disasters
Monday, September 17, 2007
6 weeks until Gaby is 1!
I have been feeling a little funny lately - Gaby is going to be one in less than 6 weeks now. 6 weeks? Wow. I absolutely love & adore & cherish the toddler that Gaby is turning into, but I'm finding that I'm also beginning to miss my tiny little baby that I had not so long ago. I am picking this is a somewhat normal reaction to a baby reaching his/her first birthday. But I can't say that I expected it!
I was going through some photos of Gaby this morning, and she has grown so much, in such a small space of time. It really did bring tears to my eyes, seeing this small, 'fresh' newborn - and then comparing it to this funny, crawling, laughing, cheeky 11 month old that she (almost) is now.
I feel at times as though I'm too protective of Gaby, being so paranoid about SIDS, about her choking, about her getting into something dangerous, however I know that it is better to be a little paranoid, rather than not giving a damn what she does or what she gets into. I think it's going to be hard to let go more and more as she gets older, and DOES start to become independent. Once again, maybe this is a natural reaction/response?
All I know is that I love this little girl with all my heart - and more. I love her so much it does truly physically hurt. There is nothing lovelier than her smile, than her giggle, than a cuddle, than hearing
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
she seems to grow overnight!
The past few days whenever I have gotten Gaby up in the morning, she appears to be more grown up than she was the day beforehand. She is making new noises, pulling new faces, getting into more and more. It is like she really is growing right before my eyes - and I guess technically she is! It's quite amazing. A little sad, but mostly amazing!!!!
Still no more teeth, I don't THINK I should be worried about it at this stage, but if they aren't up by the time she turns 1, I will talk to the Plunket Nurse about it.
1st birthday... I don't know how much of a 'party' I should give her. I would LIKE to invite Ter & Gav, Sue & the girls, Serena & Josh, maybe Mel & Raph (depending on them having to travel) - I should probably invite Stu & his sisters too, so maybe that is getting too messy & too many people? I want to make her a birthday cake, but I don't know that it is NECESSARY for her 1st birthday. Well, OF COURSE she needs a cake! Who am I kidding? I should probably try & find recipes for kid-friendly-cakes. I was thinking of just doing a banana cake.... maybe i'll stick to that plan!