The third trimester represented the home stretch, an exciting time, but also a time of renewed fear. Getting so far, I knew that Gaby could be born & almost definately survive - my fear was that I would lose her, and have to deliver her stillborn. I could not imagine anything more devestating, than carrying a baby for 27+ weeks, and then not getting to take the baby home with you, after the birth. I guess part of my anxiety came from reading way too much on the internet - things I'd never heard of, I would read about - and then be scared it'd happen to me. Deep down I knew I would be okay though, and that I would deliver a healthy baby, I guess I was just too aware of the fact that bad things CAN and do happen to good people.
The most exciting part of the third trimester for me, was the force with which Gaby would kick. I used to love feeling her so active, and moving around alllllll the time. Whereas in the second trimester, I would often wish Gaby would move more, during the third there were times I wished she would settle down a bit!
The most unpleaseant part of the third trimester, by far, was how uncomfortable I became. My sciatica started playing up really bad, my ribcage was constantly sore, due to the force of Gaby kicking my ribs, and also due to the fact that she was sitting quite high up, and I could feel her bottom pushing against my ribs. Breathing was quite difficult at times - well not breathing, but being able to take deep breaths - once again, this was due to Gaby being so high up! It was nice knowing that my pregnancy would soon come to an end, and I would have my baby girl in my arms, but at the same time, I knew I would miss being pregnant, so tried to make the most of everyday, and to enjoy every second of my pregnancy. Easier said than done (the enjoyment aspect!).
With each midwife appointment I had, it was like I was one step closer to having my baby - it got a bit scary when we started discussing the birth, and what happens after the birth.... suddenly I went from 'maybe' having a baby in October, to 'having a baby in a month or two'!
The scariest, scariest time in my pregnancy was on October 1st, when I was around 38w3d pregnant. I had been feeling numb in my left side for a couple of hours, and had a headache, so decided I had better go to the doctor. We went to the emergency clinic & I was taken in after an hour. The GP who saw me, told me to hop up on the bed & she'd take a listen to baby's heartbeat & feel her position. Postion was ROP... as usual... but when she went to listen to the heartbeat.... SHE COULDN'T FIND IT! I *knew* it had to be wrong, I was sure i'd felt Gaby moving when we were in the waiting room, but thought "what if she has JUST died".. I was absolutely terrified, and she sent me up to Christchurch Women's for 'further investigation'. I was crying on the way to the hospital, and trying to convince myself everything was fine. I was sure I'd heard the heartbeat for a few seconds when she was using the doppler - and I had noticed she wasn't using it the same way as my midwife did... it had to be that we hadn't heard the heartbeat because she was incompetent... my baby COULDN'T be dead... I wouldn't allow it.
Up at the hospital, my backup midwife (Raewyn) arrived, because my regular midwife had that weekend off. Rae put the CTG machine on me, and to my relief almost immediately we picked up the heartbeat. The relief. Oh the relief! I was finally able to breathe properly, and i'm sure that my blood pressure must have dropped a few notches. I stayed on the CTG for 30 minutes, it was lovely to be able to listen to Gaby's heartbeat that entire time. I also had a quick scan just to double check everything, and also to check Gaby's position, as Rae felt her & thought she was breech! Heartbeat - present & regular, position - head down!
When I was 39wod, I had another scan, just to double check she was head down, to check how big she was (it was thought that she might be a rather large baby) and also to help relieve my anxiety... god bless my midwife. I was so grateful to her, for arranging for me to have a scan at such a late date The scan went brilliantly, Gaby was head down, and estimated to be weighing around 8lb3oz! I could not believe how much she'd grown since the 19w1d scan! ....

October 24th I went in to hospital to be induced... My cervix it turned out, was not at all dilated & wasn't particularly effaced. Two lots of prostin gel on the Tuesday failed to make any progress, so I stayed in hospital on the night of the 24th, then the 25th had two more lots of prostin gel - once again with NO progress made. I elected to have a c/s and was booked in for October 26th 'late morning'....
That evening I lost my mucous plug, and at 9.28pm my water broke, but there was meconium present, which I knew could mean that Gaby could go into distress (if she wasn't already).... so I still wanted to go ahead with the c/s... just a little earlier than planned!
Finally on October 26th, at 1.01am, Gabrielle Jayda-Lee Oakden was born via emergency cesarean, a healthy 8lb4oz!
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