My baby girl rolled over today for the first time! After waiting for weeks for her to roll back->tummy, today she totally out of the blue, rolled tummy->back!!!! I couldn't believe it when she did it, infact I didn't realise she'd rolled over for about 10 seconds after she'd done it! So I rolled her back to her tummy to see what she'd do - and what do you know? She rolled over, again - and again - and again - and again! Naturally once the video camera came out she ceased all activity. LOL
It made me realise she is growing up so quickly!!!! It was a major milestone the first time she touched a toy on her rocker - and now she's rolling, and trying to move around the floor. It's all happening too fast - I'm glad I have my camera, to take photos & savour every moment!
It was made especially clear to me today, how fast they grow - Mel gave birth to the beautiful LITTLE Ryan Patrick Thomas @ 7.18am today, so I went up and saw her around 9.45.... he was so little compared to Gaby, and it amazed me to think that Gaby had once been that little, that not so long ago she was the helpless little bub, cuddled up in Mum's arms, doing nothing but eating & sleeping & crying. Having trouble focusing on faces, and being overwhelmed by the big, new world..... And now.. now she's out there ready to take over the world! Only 20 weeks later!
I am so blissfully in love with Gaby right now, I can't imagine life getting ANY better....
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