Wednesday, April 11, 2007

testing testing times

Gosh, would those teeth just pop through already? My perfect baby girl has turned into some sort of.. monster! Admittedly a bloody gorgeous monster, but a monster all the same. After sleeping through the night for ages, she's all of a sudden waking up at the most random of hours, and isn't particularly unsettled, but isn't wide awake either.

I blame it on the teething, that makes it seem more bearable or something! She's started blowing raspberries, and with all the drooling she's doing right now, the spit just flies! She's gotten me in the face quite a few times, LOL no one told me that was in the description of being a Mama! I am pretty sure I can feel the tooth about to come through, so hopefully this time next week it'll be through? If not, then I'll keep on keeping on!

Gabs is sitting up splendidly now! It's amazing, she can stay sitting by herself for 5 minutes or so, and her balance seems to be improving each day - it never fails to amaze me how much she changes, on a day to day basis! I can't wait for her to start crawling, to start standing, to start walking.... although i'm sure that'll also be a little bit sad, because with each milestone she reaches & passes, she becomes less of a baby & more of a child!

Solids are something she still isn't particularly fond of, although she really likes the Golden Circle chicken & spring vegetables! She is only having solids once a day at the moment, I don't see any reason to push it, she'll have more when she's ready. That said, I might try her on some solids tomorrow morning, and see if I can get into the routine of solids in the morning & at night, so that it isn't such a shock when she DOES have to start eating solids more regularly.

I can't believe Gabs is almost 6 months old - it seems like just yesterday she was born.. infact, it seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant! It was a little over a year ago that I had my first scan, so this time last year I was feeling pretty damn good!!!! My love for her continues to grow with each day that passes, and i'm not quite sure how that is possible, because my heart is pretty much exploding as it is!

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