Monday, September 17, 2007

6 weeks until Gaby is 1!

I have been feeling a little funny lately - Gaby is going to be one in less than 6 weeks now. 6 weeks? Wow. I absolutely love & adore & cherish the toddler that Gaby is turning into, but I'm finding that I'm also beginning to miss my tiny little baby that I had not so long ago. I am picking this is a somewhat normal reaction to a baby reaching his/her first birthday. But I can't say that I expected it!

I was going through some photos of Gaby this morning, and she has grown so much, in such a small space of time. It really did bring tears to my eyes, seeing this small, 'fresh' newborn - and then comparing it to this funny, crawling, laughing, cheeky 11 month old that she (almost) is now.

I feel at times as though I'm too protective of Gaby, being so paranoid about SIDS, about her choking, about her getting into something dangerous, however I know that it is better to be a little paranoid, rather than not giving a damn what she does or what she gets into. I think it's going to be hard to let go more and more as she gets older, and DOES start to become independent. Once again, maybe this is a natural reaction/response?

All I know is that I love this little girl with all my heart - and more. I love her so much it does truly physically hurt. There is nothing lovelier than her smile, than her giggle, than a cuddle, than hearing

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