Sunday, May 27, 2007

2 teeth, 7 months, where has my baby gone

Gaby turned 7 months old yesterday - and last week she got her first two teeth!!!! I know I say this evvvvverrrryyyyyytime, but WHERE DOES THE TIME GO??? I have been reminiscing a lot lately about my pregnancy, and about when Gaby was born. I can't believe that all of that was 7+ months ago. It was almost 16 months ago that I found out I was pregnant! It was a bit over a year ago that we had our 'big' scan & found out we were having a girl. Gosh, those days I will never ever forget. The first scan I still cry about when I think of it. Nothing can describe the feeling you get when you realise that your baby is infact alive & well.... or the sudden realisation that the chance you'll become a parent in around 6 months!!!!

Gaby is developing so fast. All of a sudden she's touching EVERYTHING - she has a particular fascination with cell phones & remote controls, and suddenly she needs to touch the door handle when she's going through a door!!! She is sitting extremely well - she doesn't fall over often, and when she does it's because she's trying to turn around & look behind her. Have I mentioned she LOVES the cat? Poor kitty, he's going to be so harrassed once she starts crawling!

I am loving that me, Stu & Gaby ARE a little family now. Most mornings that Stu is here, he or I will bring Gaby into our bed when she wakes up in the morning, and have a family snuggle. It's so sweet, and I feel so complete when we do it. I am looking forward to the day we finally move in together & can be a REAL family, but I know we aren't quite ready for that yet - though I'm confident it is going to happen!!!!!

Gaby is so lucky to have so many people who adore her. Nan, Poppa, Aunty Terri & Uncle Gavin worship the ground she..... lies/sits on, and I know they'd do anything for her. It is almost scary how much Gaby reminds me of Terri already - she seems to have a very similar temprement, which I'm not sure is a good thing or a bad thing!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

teeth are cutting!

Well, Gabs teeth are FINALLY starting to cut! Doesn't mean they are going to come up anytime soon though! They seem to come up & go down during the day, but I am hoping that in the next couple of days her teeth will finally be through!

On Wednesday Grandma is coming up, which is so exciting! I can't wait for Grandma to meet Gaby, and for Gaby to meet her Great Grandma for the first time! I get quite sad about the fact that Grandma hasn't met her yet, but soon enough she'll be able to spend 3 days or so with her! Yay!

The last three days have been quite testing for me. I just don't cope well with Gaby when she is screaming the way she has been lately, and I think I cry almost as much as she does... Sometimes I wonder if I really AM a good Mum? But I know that I am - Mum keeps reassuring me that ALL babies go through this, and that all Mums feel this way.

I love Gaby so much, my heart just bursts when I see her first thing in the morning, or when she first gets up from a sleep. And when she does something for the first time, I feel so proud of her, and my heart bursts allllll over again!!!!!

I am really liking having Serena to talk to. It's nice to have another (young) Mum who knows what life is like with a young baby, when you're on your own for a lot of it. We are thinking about moving in together early next year, which I think would be really great - for us & for the kids!!!!

Today is my first Mothers Day... awwwwwww how exciting! Stu bought me a pair of earrings & Mum & Dad bought me a book... I feel so spoilt! LOL wasn't my ideal way to spend Mothers Day - with a screaming baby - but it was sooooooo lovely to have a precious baby in my arms at last, on this special day

Monday, May 7, 2007

tears tears tears

I can't remember what started the tears today, but I was cuddling Gaby after her bottle, trying to get her to sleep, and I was overcome by tears!

Staring at Gaby's sweet little face, I was so overcome by the fact that she's MINE, that she is MY daughter, that for the rest of time she will be MINE. She was touching my face, and it was just the sweetest thing.

I cannot remember back to life without Gaby in it - and in away I'm glad, because life without Gaby is something I hate thinking about. While my life would have had meaning, it would have nowhere near as much meaning as it has now. When I look into Gaby's eyes the love that I feel is off the scale. I would do anything for her - I would walk to the end of the world & back.

I was a bit scared over the weekend, when I heard about the hit & run in Christchurch & the drive by shooting up in Wanganui (what the hell??? are we living in America??). It scares me to think that Gaby is growing up in a world where two year old's get caught up in gang shoot out's, and get murdered... and where idiots think it's okay to drive their car into a group of people, and kill two innocent partygoers, and injure numerous others.

I guess to sum it up, I love Gaby more than I love life itself, and I refuse to even imagine a life without her in it!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

how does one cope?

Really, how does one cope with a teething baby??? I'm pretty sure I've been crying almost as much as Gaby has been lately!!! Her front bottom teeth are trying to come through, and I hate to think how much pain they are causing my baby girl! I feel like such a bad Mum at the moment, because I'm quite grumpy - I don't MEAN to be, and more's the point, I don't KNOW why I am grumpy, but I am.

So Ms Gabrielle is now 6 months old! It's so amazing how fast she is developing, everday she's making new noises she wasn't making the day beforehand, and she is trying to crawl now as well! When she's on her tummy you can see her thinking "now, my arms and legs are meant to do something here".. LOL it's so cute!

I'm not sure what the world is coming to. There was a drive by shooting in Wanganui last night & a hit and run in Christchurch....... makes me scared for Gaby & the way the world is going to be when she's older

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

6 months of love

Gaby is now 6 months old! Time has gone so very fast, but I have loved every moment of it. I cannot imagine my life without her - and cannot think of anything more rewarding, than being a Mum!

My Grandma is coming up in 3 or 4 weeks to see Gaby for the FIRST time! I cannot wait until Gaby can finally meet her Great Grandma. It will be nice to be able to get a '4 generations' photograph to add to the collection.

The most exciting news, since my last post however, is that me & Stu are back together! And very happy with it! We have spoken a lot about it, and I do believe things will be different this time. It is so lovely to feel like a family... finally. Stu has given me a (beautiful) ring, and although the ring had nothing to do with my decision, it does make me feel that things are different now.

A bit of sad news, Stu's Mum & Step-Dad are moving to Blenheim in a couple of weeks, so Gaby isn't going to be able to see her Nana very often. Blenheim isn't too far away though, and there is no reason we can't go and visit them every once in a while!

Gaby still has no teeth through, although i think her bottom, middle, left tooth is going to cut soon, I can see it through her skin, and the way she has been acting the past few days (very unsettled, not wanting to sleep) it makes total sense.