Sunday, May 6, 2007

how does one cope?

Really, how does one cope with a teething baby??? I'm pretty sure I've been crying almost as much as Gaby has been lately!!! Her front bottom teeth are trying to come through, and I hate to think how much pain they are causing my baby girl! I feel like such a bad Mum at the moment, because I'm quite grumpy - I don't MEAN to be, and more's the point, I don't KNOW why I am grumpy, but I am.

So Ms Gabrielle is now 6 months old! It's so amazing how fast she is developing, everday she's making new noises she wasn't making the day beforehand, and she is trying to crawl now as well! When she's on her tummy you can see her thinking "now, my arms and legs are meant to do something here".. LOL it's so cute!

I'm not sure what the world is coming to. There was a drive by shooting in Wanganui last night & a hit and run in Christchurch....... makes me scared for Gaby & the way the world is going to be when she's older

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