Monday, May 7, 2007

tears tears tears

I can't remember what started the tears today, but I was cuddling Gaby after her bottle, trying to get her to sleep, and I was overcome by tears!

Staring at Gaby's sweet little face, I was so overcome by the fact that she's MINE, that she is MY daughter, that for the rest of time she will be MINE. She was touching my face, and it was just the sweetest thing.

I cannot remember back to life without Gaby in it - and in away I'm glad, because life without Gaby is something I hate thinking about. While my life would have had meaning, it would have nowhere near as much meaning as it has now. When I look into Gaby's eyes the love that I feel is off the scale. I would do anything for her - I would walk to the end of the world & back.

I was a bit scared over the weekend, when I heard about the hit & run in Christchurch & the drive by shooting up in Wanganui (what the hell??? are we living in America??). It scares me to think that Gaby is growing up in a world where two year old's get caught up in gang shoot out's, and get murdered... and where idiots think it's okay to drive their car into a group of people, and kill two innocent partygoers, and injure numerous others.

I guess to sum it up, I love Gaby more than I love life itself, and I refuse to even imagine a life without her in it!

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