Tuesday, May 1, 2007

6 months of love

Gaby is now 6 months old! Time has gone so very fast, but I have loved every moment of it. I cannot imagine my life without her - and cannot think of anything more rewarding, than being a Mum!

My Grandma is coming up in 3 or 4 weeks to see Gaby for the FIRST time! I cannot wait until Gaby can finally meet her Great Grandma. It will be nice to be able to get a '4 generations' photograph to add to the collection.

The most exciting news, since my last post however, is that me & Stu are back together! And very happy with it! We have spoken a lot about it, and I do believe things will be different this time. It is so lovely to feel like a family... finally. Stu has given me a (beautiful) ring, and although the ring had nothing to do with my decision, it does make me feel that things are different now.

A bit of sad news, Stu's Mum & Step-Dad are moving to Blenheim in a couple of weeks, so Gaby isn't going to be able to see her Nana very often. Blenheim isn't too far away though, and there is no reason we can't go and visit them every once in a while!

Gaby still has no teeth through, although i think her bottom, middle, left tooth is going to cut soon, I can see it through her skin, and the way she has been acting the past few days (very unsettled, not wanting to sleep) it makes total sense.

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