Tuesday, September 25, 2007

sleep & other disasters

For pretty much the first time since Gaby was around 6 weeks old, we are having issues with sleep. SOME nights she is just fine, perfect really. Other nights, she will be awake on and off between 7-10.30, she'll be awake 2-5 times during the night. It is such a shock to the system after all of this time of GOOD sleeping!

Yesterday I decided to cut out one of her sleeps, and she slept fairly well last night, there was no waking before 4am. So maybe that is the key to it all. Maybe she's been sleeping TOO much during the day. I'm also going to make sure she is up by 4pm, and I won't put her down AFTER 3.30pm... So I guess we'll try to have a sleep around 9.30am & then a sleep around 1.30-2.00pm. See how that goes!

Gaby is 11 months old tomorrow! Time has gone somewhere, i'm not sure where!!!!! She seems to just be growing like a weed - I am really interested to see what she weighs now - and how long she is, because I think she's had a bit of a growth spurt lately.her say "Mum Mum"......

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