Sunday, January 14, 2007

crying and sleeping

Funny how two of the most common baby-things-to-do are intertwined... and how they both make you feel different ways. I will admit that when Gaby is crying... and crying... and crying, I do get a bit toward the end of my tether. It isn't so much anger, as just feeling frustration, because I don't know how to help Gaby - I don't know what's wrong with her.. tired? hungry? wet? sore tummy? teething?

At times it feels like all the rocking, swaying, "shhhhh"ing & bouncing up and down won't stop the crying - but then all of a sudden it stops. The eyes are closed... the breathing is deep & regular - and suddenly I'm holding an angelic looking baby in my arms.

It's that moment there - where the crying turns into a deep slumber, that I feel nothing but pure love for Gaby. The frustration is gone, and all I want to do is snuggle her all night long.

I always feel so stupid after she's had a big crying session, because it isn't really as big of a deal as it feels at the time, it's just her way of communicating with me.... and when I look at her sleeping peacefully, sometimes with a smile on her face, it all seems worth it....

My heart breaks when she cries, but once she's stopped & is sleeping peacefully, my heart grows 10 sizes....

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