Wednesday, April 18, 2007

feet apparently!

Feet apparently, are VERY interesting! LOL they are definately Gaby's latest favourite toy! It is so cute, she plays with her feet for hours, when I go in to get her out of her cot, if she's been awake for awhile, she will be playing with her feet, and acting like they are the most amazing thing in the world!

Dad puts her on his shoulders, and then crosses his legs & wobbles his feet, and Gaby laughs hysterically! We don't know what the big appeal is, but it never fails to make her laugh - which is just the most adorable sound in the world! This morning I noticed she was watching my feet, and copying me when I was moving them - she was moving hers too! Hmm maybe she has some weird sort of foot fetish? ... so long as she isn't like her Aunty Terri, and doesn't start chewing the skin off the bottom of her toes! Hehe, that is something I'll never forget!

She has also started chewing on her flanelette sheets as well! I guess it is something to do with the texture of the sheets, and the feeling of them on her gums... Her poor aching gums! Still no teeth through yet, but HOPEFULLY it'll happen soon! The past few days she's been quite good as far as the teething goes, which makes it all a bit more bearable... Not that it is ME that has to go through the excruciating pain! I wish I could go through the pain for her.

I think I'm quite lucky that Gaby hasn't been sick yet - she's had no cold's, flu's or tummy bugs - so I think that's pretty good, considering she is close to 6 months old! I am expecting she'll get her first cold soon-ish, considering it is now the middle of Autumn. I think I'm ready for it though - surely the older they get, the easier (slightly) an illness is to deal with... not that it's going to be any fun!

I must run.. the rugrat appears to be awake!

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