Friday, April 20, 2007

she's growing up tooooo fast!

ong... tonight Gaby is wearing her first pair of flanelette pyjamas!!!! The past couple of days I have bought her some clothing which is size 0...... Size 0 already! Seems like just yesterday she was wearing NB size - and some of them were too BIG for her! Terri refuses to believe that she's big enough for size 0, and I feel the same way!!!!!!

My precious little girly is going to be turning 6 months old next week - where has time gone??? In a way it's nice that time's going so fast, but on the other hand, it is VERY scary! I want her to be little forever, but I can't wait for her to start crawling and walking.....

Mel & Raph came over and visited the other day, with Ryan - who is just way too adorable! He's such a cute little guy! Little is the operative word too, he looks like a little tiny, miniature baby next to Gaby! Hehe. I got a couple of holds, and he is SO light compared to my little heffalump! I can't wait until Gaby & Ryan are old enough to play together, and to be little friends!

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