Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mama's little helper!

Today Gaby helped me to empty the dishwasher. She has been trying to 'help' for a few weeks now, and it really gets me irritated, because i'm so scared she's going to cut herself or hurt herself somehow. Today I finally realised she wouldn't NOT try to help, so I let her get the bottles out, and made sure the knives/forks/cups/plates were all out before I let her at it. It was pretty cute though, she seemed to have a ball!
mummy's little helper

9 days and Gaby will be ONE! I cannot wait for her birthday, I'm going to spoil her rotten. Infact, I'm sure that EVERYONE is going to spoil her rotten... but she deserves it! Her birthday party is going to be on the Saturday, and so far it's just a few family members & Serena/Josh coming, but that'll be more than enough. I think Stu & his family are having her on Saturday morning, so who knows, maybe she'll have two parties!

This time last year, I guess I was feeling pretty anxious & 'over' the whole thing. I was beginning to have a lot of anxiety issues, and was barely sleeping, because I was so terrified of losing her.. of her for some reason dying.. inside me... I don't think I could have handled that. I often wonder what'd have happened if I hadn't gone in to be induced. When I would have actually gone into 'proper' labour etc. I guess I'll never know, but at the same time, I have no reason to really care because she made it safe & sound!

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