Thursday, June 7, 2007

sleeping like an angel

The past two days Gaby has been sleeping SOOOOOOO well! I'm still in shock! Yesterday she had about 5 sleeps during the day, and didn't protest when I put her down for any of them, she went to bed for good at 6.40pm & woke up at 8.40am! She woke once during the night, but that was just to have her dummy put in. No bottle needed! And so far today she's onto her second sleep. Her first sleep she slept for TWO hours! I'm actually starting to wonder if this is 'good' normal, or if something is wrong with her. It's not NORMAL for her. But then I'm also wondering if the weather has something to do with it (it's cold), and being home by ourselves as well - there isn't the usual hustle & bustle, which she is used to on a daily basis.....

Cutest thing happened today - Gaby was trying to get my tattoo off!!!! LOL it was way to cute!

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