Friday, August 31, 2007

10 months!

Gaby was 10 months old last Sunday. She is now a 'double digits girl', and that thought is freaky! I think back to this time last year, being around 33 weeks pregnant & waiting (not so) patiently for her arrival, and now she's almost 1!!!!

She is becoming more and more mobile each day, she can pull herself up against furniture easily now, and can crawl at a rather fast pace. The past couple of weeks I have noticed she is starting to want to feed herself - which is a messy activity, but one that she has to do all the same! It's so cool to see her getting food into her fingers, getting it in her mouth & then eating it. She isn't AS dependent on me anymore, and it's quite cool. Scary, but cool!

Gaby has said three words now. Mum, Nan & Poppa. WOW!!!!!!! I think Mum & Dad are both quite chuffed that she has said their names - Dad told everyone at work that she said 'Poppa' before anything else... obviously forgetting that she has been saying "Mum" for a couple of weeks now!!!!! Oh well, whatever makes him feel like 'the man'.

Last Sunday Gaby also had chocolate ice cream for the first time! She certainly enjoyed it, and got good and messy!

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