Wednesday, August 8, 2007

so grown up

Since Gaby started crawling - she has seemed so grown up, all of a sudden! She is getting into EVERYTHING, and doing things she'd not have done a week ago. I love it, but it's also a bit scary!

She is beginning (slowly) to learn what "no" means, and I think she's beginning to know certain things she's not allowed to touch or play with.... I REALLY need to do some more baby proofing though, and try to figure out some ways to make the house a bit more baby-safety-friendly.. There is nothing really obviously harmful - BUT I'm sure there are hazards out there that I've not thought of.

I've been reminiscing about Gaby's birth some more lately... and about my pregnancy. I can't wait to be pregnant again & to experience my child growing inside me. Although when I say I "can't wait" I don't mean I want to be pregnant now, or even in the next couple of years........ I want to devote my time to Gaby right now...

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