Thursday, July 26, 2007

happy 9 month b/day

Gaby is 9 months old today!!!! 9 months ago today, my life changed irreversibly - not that I'd want to reverse it!

It's really funny (well not funny haha) how much your life changes once you have a baby. You realise how much you've taken certain things for granted (sleeping in!), you realise that your parents weren't really that bad, you realise how important family is, you realise how un-important going out & getting drunk every weekend is... Your choice in friends changes, you drift away from those friends without children, and get closer to those with children. And suddenly YOU are not the most important thing in your life - your baby/child is 10x more important than you, and you automatically put their needs ahead of your own.

Some people probably think "that sounds pretty lame" - but I love it. I feel like my life is on the track it's meant to be on, since I've had Gaby. I don't think I'm meant to be a 'career woman', I don't think I'm meant to be someone who travels until they are 40........ I think I'm meant to be a Mum. I KNOW I'm meant to be a Mum.

Although sometimes, with the way things are with society now, I feel like it's not good enough for me JUST to be a Mum. I should be working 40 hours a week, while studying at the same time. Until recently that has caused me a lot of confusion. But I have finally realised that I CAN 'just be a Mum'. I don't HAVE to be at university. I don't HAVE to be working 40 hours a week. For me personally, the most important thing is that Gaby is put first - and that she's the most important thing in my life - that she gets as much time with me as possible during the early days, to build that all important foundation of love & respect........

I love her so much..... she's a little monkey at times, but I love her all the more for it!

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