Monday, July 30, 2007

growth spurt & 12 months approaching

the past few days Gaby has been quite grizzly - and quite hungry, just acting quite out of character. Last night she had THREE bowls of dinner! LOL. I am picking she is having a growth spurt, I remember the plunket nurse saying that she'd probably have her next between 9-10 months.

Josh turned 1 the other day, so that means Gaby isn't far off! Scary stuff. I'm trying to decide if I should buy her anything else for her b/day - she is only going to be 1 - she isn't going to understand what the heck is going on, and will probably be more interested in the boxes! BUT it would be nice to spoil her! I might get her some more books, and a couple of cute little outfits maybe...

Not sure if I will have a 'party' for her... I will invite Sue & the girls, Ter, Gav & Tyler... and probably Josh & Serena... and then there will be Stu & his sisters.... hmmmm could be a busy day!

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