Sunday, February 18, 2007

should be "life as a first time single mum" I guess

Well the inevitable happened last night.. Stu broke up with me. I guess i knew it was going to happen - things haven't been great between us since we got back together, and the past couple of weeks he has been so distant... and cold toward me

BUT it still hurts. He gave me the old 'I want to be friends' line, and said that he wants to be a 'good Dad', so when he is here overnight from now on, he is going to be the one getting up to her, to give her her dummy, or to give her a bottle if she needs one. I've been too soft with him up until now, but if he wants to be a good Dad, there are certain responsibilities he is going to have to take on.

So I guess from here on in, it's going to be me & Gaby against the world. I obviously can't rely on Stu to be there when I really need him - so why start setting myself up to be let down?

....... my constant thought through this has been "at least I still have Gaby".. it's what's getting me through

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