Sunday, February 4, 2007

how quickly they learn!

Today Gaby was displaying all the signs of being tired, so into her cot I put her.

Of course once I had her in the cot, she started dispalying all the signs of being WIDE AWAKE. But being Mummy, I knew best, and left her. Every couple of minutes I'd go and check on her - and before I would leave the room I would say "now go to sleep".

How did Gaby react to this? Did she sleep? NO. She LAUGHED. She flat out laughed in my face.

It was very adorable I have to say! She sure knows how to weaken her Mummy. I did stay strong though, and didn't get her back up, and within a few minutes she was asleep.

The past few days, Gaby has also learnt that if I take my attention away from her for more than a second, if she squeals I will pay attention to her! So what was she doing this morning while I was in the toilet? Squealing! When I was making a coffee? Squealing! When I was putting her bottle in the microwave? Squealing!

At the moment it is very cute, but I am sure that in a few months, it won't be quite as cute.
Mummy wrapped around her little finger already? HELL YES!

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